Player Profile

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The RedTail Player Profile

The RedTail Player Profile is a proprietary software application developed to evaluate a player's current game as well as their future goals and objectives relative to golf.

The Player Profile also contemplates your physical abilities in conjunction with your unique RYG™ Learning Factor to plot your position on the spectrum of golf instruction. Through the Player Profile we will identify the weakest and strongest parts of your game. We will also quantify important statistical information such as greens in regulation, fairways in regulation, total putts and much more in order to develop a comprehensive Personal Lesson Plan (PLP) customized specifically for you. Your PLP will then serve as a roadmap for achieving your goals and objectives relative to golf. Finally, your detailed Player Profile report will summarize every key aspect of your game, and it will continue to serve as a resource during your entire instructional experience.

Call today to schedule a lesson at 503-646-5166 or email us